One of the most important lessons in the process of Awakening is clearing our fear of our life force energy.
Yes you heard me correctly.
Your life force. Let me explain.
Usually, we have an experience in childhood (by universal design as a means of initiation) where one of these fractures is created.
Not everyone has this, but certainly anyone initiated by CHAOS has had some kind of experience in this way
This is a beautiful post that came across my feed the other day by Rav Katz.
"The Kabbalistic Definition of Trauma
The root cause of trauma, along with negative emotional triggers and states—known as middos ra’os or klippos—is rooted in the Kabbalistic concept of Sheviras HaKeilim (the “shattering of vessels”).
Trauma arises when an intense surge of emotional energy—such as pain, panic, fear, or lust—erupts so powerfully and suddenly that it overwhelms our capacity for daas (mindful awareness). Unable to hold, process, or integrate this energy, the mind fragments it from consciousness, leaving it stuck in a frozen, isolated, and entrenched state. Cut off from the greater whole of self, higher consciousness, and values, this fragmented energy forms its own distorted beliefs and actions, unable to release, resolve, or move forward.
Destined to repeat its unresolved patterns, it continually seeks expression and resolution, striving desperately for reintegration. Until it is fully healed and restored to wholeness, it will persist—pulsing, awakening, and acting out—eternally yearning to return to its rightful place in the unity of the self."
I also believe that this describes our fracture from SOURCE and the creation of human consciousness.
This wound will seek a CATALYST to open it so that it can find UNION.
My experience is without the proper orientation people BLAME the CATALYST and try to wiggle out.
We are ALL guilty of this. It is simply what happens until we learn how to do it otherwise.
The task as an adult on a spiritual path is to MEET this part and HOLD it and INTEGRATE it.
No one can do that for us. That is ours to do.
All anyone can do is remind you that it is all you.
And ultimately, the body leads this one.
This is a physical experience.
In my experience, the key to integrating this is the following:
Training your mind to value and trust your own energy. Everything in our culture tells us to fear emotion and anything that feels out of control.
Making sure you can see that the mind wants to take that energy and PROJECT outward some other thing outside of oneself is the enemy. The mind will want to make it someone's FAULT that you feel what you are feeling and then it will use all kinds of stories and fear, feeding off this opening as opposed to allowing it to heal.
The external projections are a distraction the mind creates outside of the body as a protection mechanism to avoid feeling pain. But the kicker is, this "protection" is no longer protecting us, it's preventing us from feeling.
The caveat to this is physical wiring and infrastructure. Every physical protection system is designed by biological intelligence. Our physical capacity will always trump our willingness. Sometimes the body will not allow us to go past a certain threshold and we cannot force it. When the time is right, with attention, love, acceptance and patience, it will open.
The true spiritual expansion happens when we realize that the souls that both were part of the initiation or any catalyst along our path were the souls who signed up to play this part for us for our own expansion and growth.
Let me share some energetic math with you.
The external energy we experience as a catalyst will equal the energy that is stuck in the wound.
The deeper the wounds, the more buried, the older, the larger the energy we will attract to open the spot.
This was happening to a student of mine with huge things left and right and I said to her, you better get it this time or you will just keep attracting these giant catastrophes.
And what that means is sitting still in the energy.
Allowing yourself to go beyond the membrane of your current reality
The Chaos (raw life force) allows you to be reunited OR it can further separation.
You will not meet the spot by seeking to "manage the consequences of it". In fact in my experience, the "management" of one's CHAOS, increases the external force. The trick is actually to surrender to the perfection of it, knowing that there is total and absolute perfection in the way your journey is playing out and that for the most part, determined long before we were born.
YOUR SOUL CHOSE THIS. YOU MADE AN AGREEMENT TO CARRY THIS. Is the mantra for the woman who agreed to bring, hold and wear the most potent, raw transformative power, available this realm.
CHAOS - A 7 Part Ceremonial Series
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