We have found ourselves in a time where there is a subset of the population who believes that free thought and speech are dangerous, that your right to disagree is a harmful threat and that pointing to the parasitic mental virus that has taken over the masses needs to be crushed by the algorithm, deplatformed and erased.

Over the years I have been silently deplatformed over and over. Shadowbanned, red listed, you can’t share or see my posts, the ability to be recommended revoked, blocked from doing livestreams, commenting, and of course the suspensions.

My expression has become fractured over the years and even when I revived this blog I thought I would just focus on culture. Still too fractured. It has to all be here.

All of me. Spiritual, Social, Political, Cultural, Oracular, the works.

I need to simply the places I need to water and tend.

Subscribe to From Chaos, With Love - The Writings of Perri Chase

Due to years of censorship my writing an expression became so fractured. This is an attempt to put all of my writing in one place. Spiritual, Cultural, Political, Personal, Oracular, and to go deeper in my writing than I ever have.